Suresmile Aligners

Enjoy the Lifelong Benefits of a Straighter Smile with SureSmile Clear Aligners

Over the past years, many things have changed in your life. You probably have started a business, welcomed a little one in your family, or perhaps, added a master’s degree to your name. While many positive things are happening in your life, one thing is constant: your crooked smile. You have always wanted to align your smile, but you believe or have been told the treatment is invasive, uncomfortable, and time-consuming.

Despite the information you have been fed before, today, you can correct your crooked smile with a treatment that doesn’t use wires and brackets. Yes, SureSmile clear aligners from Asuncion Dental Group uses clear aligners that are faster, comfortable, and far more discreet than traditional braces.

How do SureSmile aligners work?

Over the years, straightening crooked teeth has always been done using traditional braces. Braces use brackets and wires to move your teeth into proper alignment gently. When the dentist adjusts the wires, pressure is applied on the specific teeth to move them into the desired alignment.

On the other hand, SureSmile aligners use clear braces instead of wires to align your smile. The braces put constant but gentle pressure on the teeth, and within a few months, you will notice that your smile looks straighter!

Getting SureSmile aligners starts with an appointment with Dr. Frederick Asuncion. We examine your oral health, and if you are free from cavities and gum disease, we can embark on treatment. We take 3-D images of your smile, simulate how each tooth will move into alignment, and then send the images to a dental lab to create your aligners.

After a few days, your aligners will arrive, and you will need to wear a set for two weeks before moving to the next. This pattern continues until your teeth attain the desired alignment goals.

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients: (301) 690-8482 | Existing Patients: (301) 620-8882
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Benefits of SureSmile aligners

Straight teeth serve more than aesthetics. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean and eliminate TMJ-related pains. So, if you are about to invest in SureSmile, it’s worth it because you reap the below benefits:

  • Comfortable since no wires to poke your cheeks or irritate your gums
  • Clear teeth aligners are discreet — doesn’t scream for attention like traditional braces
  • Great for patients allergic to metal
  • It’s more effective than conventional braces
  • The detachable nature of clear braces means you can remove them when brushing or eating

SureSmile aligns your smile without having to contend with the hassle of traditional braces. Ready to get started? Please dial (301) 690-8482 to book an appointment with Asuncion Dental Group for clear teeth straighteners.

Dr. Frederick Asuncion, DDS

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